15 Tips for Writing guest posts that Engage Readers

It’s no secret that guest posting is a powerful way to build your online visibility and authority. But if you’re not careful, your guest posts can fall flat, failing to engage readers and leaving them feeling uninspired.

Here are 15 tips for writing guest posts that engage readers and leave them wanting more:

1. Start with a strong headline

Your headline is the first thing readers will see, so make sure it’s attention-grabbing and relevant to the rest of your article. A strong headline will pique reader interest and entice them to keep reading.

2. Write in a clear, concise style

When it comes to writing guest posts, clarity is a key. Use short sentences and simple words to get your point across. Avoid jargon and overly technical language that might turn readers off.

3. Engage the reader from the start

Draw readers in by starting your article with a strong opening sentence. Use examples, stories, or questions to engage readers and make them want to keep reading.

4. Use visuals

Make your guest post more visually appealing by adding images, infographics, or videos. These can help break up the text and make your article more engaging.

5. Keep it short and sweet

Most people won’t read an entire guest post from start to finish, so make sure you get your point across early on. Keep your article relatively short – around 500-800 words – so that readers can easily digest it.

6. Be original

To stand out from the crowd, focus on writing original content that hasn’t been covered elsewhere. Bring your own unique perspective to the topic to engage readers and make your article more memorable.

7. Add value

Your guest post should add value for readers by providing new information, insights, or perspectives. Avoid rehashing old news or topics that have been covered to death – focus on offering something new and fresh.

8. Make it actionable

Give readers something to take away from your article by including practical tips, strategies, or advice they can use in their own lives. if you can help your readers solve a problem or achieve a goal, all the better!

9. Stir up emotion

Whether it’s laughter, happiness, or anger, try to elicit an emotional response from your readers. Emotional articles are more likely to be shared and remembered, so don’t be afraid to write from the heart.

10. End with a bang

End your article on a strong note that will leave readers thinking about your piece long after they’ve finished reading it. A powerful quote, provocative question, or inspiring call-to-action can all make for a great ending.

11. Be controversial

If you really want to get readers talking, try taking a controversial stance on a hot-button issue. Just be sure to back up your claims with facts and logic to avoid coming across as uninformed or unprofessional.

12. Be timely

Tap into current events or trends to write a guest post that’s relevant and timely. This can help you generate more interest and traffic, as well as position you as an authoritative source on the topic.

13. Take a stand

In addition to being timely, your guest post should also have a point of view – so don’t be afraid to take a stand on an issue. Readers will appreciate your passion and conviction, and it’ll make your article more memorable.

14. Use strong language

Use powerful, persuasive language to make your guest post more effective. Avoid weak words and phrases like “I think” or “I believe” – instead, use confident language that packs a punch.

15. Edit, edit, edit

Before you hit “publish,” take the time to edit your guest post thoroughly. This will help ensure that your article is well-written and free of any typos or grammatical errors.


When it comes to writing guest posts, clarity is key. Use short sentences and simple words to get your point across. Avoid jargon and overly technical language that might turn readers off.

Draw readers in by starting your article with a strong opening sentence. Use examples, stories, or questions to engage readers and make them want to keep reading.

By following these tips, you can write guest posts that engage readers and leave them wanting more. So go ahead – start writing those guest posts! Your readers will thank you for it.