15 tips to make your home decor more sustainable

It’s no secret that the way we decorate our homes can have a big impact on the environment. From the furniture we buy to the paint we use on our walls, our home decor choices can either be eco-friendly or not-so-eco-friendly.

If you’re looking to make your home décor more sustainable, there are a few easy ways to do so.

Here are 15 tips:

1. Choose Reclaimed Wood Furniture

One easy way to make your home décor more sustainable is to choose furniture made from reclaimed wood. Reclaimed wood is wood that has been repurposed from another source, such as an old barn or fence.

This type of furniture is not only eco-friendly, but it also has a unique look that can add character to your home.

2. Opt for Secondhand Furniture

Another sustainable option for furniture is to buy secondhand pieces. Buying used furniture is a great way to save money and resources.

3. Look for Locally Made Furniture

When shopping for new furniture, look for pieces that are made locally. This will cut down on the amount of energy and resources needed to transport the furniture to your home.

4. Choose Eco-Friendly Fabrics

When reupholstering chairs or adding new throw pillows to your couch, opt for eco-friendly fabrics like organic cotton or wool. These materials are better for the environment and your health.

5. Buy Used Rugs

Rugs are another great item to buy secondhand. Not only will you be giving a new life to an old rug, but you’ll also save money and resources.

6. Shop at Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are a great place to find sustainable home décor items. You can often find furniture, rugs, dishes, and other household items for a fraction of the price of what you would pay new.

7. Donate Items You No Longer Need

Before buying new home décor items, take a look around your house to see what you already have that you could donate or repurpose. This will declutter your home and help someone in need.

8. Paint with Eco-Friendly Paint

If you’re painting your walls, choose eco-friendly paint such as latex paint or milk paint. These types of paint are low in toxins and VOCs, making them better for the environment and your health.

9. Hang Eco-Friendly Curtains

Curtains are another home décor item that you can make more sustainable by choosing eco-friendly materials. Look for curtains made from organic cotton or hemp for a green option.

10. Use Sustainable Pillows and Bedding

In the bedroom, opt for pillows and bedding made from sustainable materials such as bamboo or wool. These materials are environmentally friendly and also gentle on your skin.

11. Repurpose Old Items

Before throwing out old home décor items, see if there’s a way you can repurpose them. For example, an old ladder can be turned into a bookshelf or a table.

12. Refinish Old Furniture

If you have any old furniture that’s in need of a facelift, try refinishing it yourself. This is a great way to give new life to an old piece and avoid buying new furniture.

13. Make Your Own Home Décor

If you’re crafty, consider making your own home decor items. This is a great way to add personal touches to your home while being eco-friendly.

14. Shop at Flea Markets

Flea markets are a great place to find sustainable home décor items. You can often find vintage furniture, dishes, and other household items for a fraction of the price of what you would pay new.

15. Grow Your Own Plants

Another way to make your home decor more sustainable is to grow your own plants. This will add life to your home while reducing your carbon footprint.

By following these tips, you can easily make your home décor more sustainable. These changes will not only help the environment, but they’ll also save you money in the long run.


Making your home décor more sustainable is a great way to help the environment and save money. There are many easy ways to make your home décor more sustainable, such as buying secondhand furniture, opting for eco-friendly fabrics, and shopping at thrift stores. By following these tips, you can easily make your home décor more sustainable.