9 “Finding Nemo” Fish Species [2022]

This guide will introduce you to some of the fish species that appear in the 2003 Disney/Pixar film “Finding Nemo.”


Nemo fishes species: The orange clownfish (Amphiprion percula) is one of the main characters in “Finding Nemo.” These fish are found in tropical reefs in the Indo-Pacific region, and can grow to be about four inches long. Clownfish live in symbiotic relationships with sea anemones, with the clownfish receiving protection from predators in exchange for cleaning and feeding the anemone.

Regal Blue Tang:

The regal blue tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) is another major character in the film. These fish are found in tropical reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific, and can grow to be about eight inches long. Blue tangs are popular aquarium fish, but can be difficult to care for due to their high level of activity and need for a large tank.


Groupers are a type of fish that includes many different species, all of which are characterized by their large size and wide mouths. In “Finding Nemo,” Marlin and Dory encounter a grouper who is friendly towards them, but this is not typical grouper behavior. Groupers are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world, and can grow to be up to eight feet long.

Great White Shark:

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is one of the most feared predators in the ocean. These sharks are found in coastal waters around the world, and can grow to be up to 20 feet long. Great white sharks are not actually featured in “Finding Nemo,” but Marlin and Dory encounter a different type of shark who mistakes them for prey.

There are many other fish species that appear in “Finding Nemo,” but these are some of the most notable. The film provides a great introduction to the amazing diversity of marine life that can be found in our oceans.


The 2003 Disney/Pixar film “Finding Nemo” is not only a great movie, but also a great introduction to the amazing diversity of marine life that can be found in our oceans and nemo fishes species . This guide has introduced you to some of the fish species that appear in the film, including clownfish, blue tangs, groupers, and great white sharks. There are many other fish species featured in “Finding Nemo,” so be sure to watch the movie again and see if you can spot them all!