How to Stay Safe While Visiting 

Traveling can be an exciting and eye-opening experience, but it’s important to stay safe. Whether you are visiting a foreign country or staying close to home, there are precautions you should take to ensure your safety.

Here are 14 advices on how to stay safe while visiting new places:

1) Research before Traveling:

Doing research before traveling is essential in staying safe. Research the areas you plan on visiting and find out what kind of dangers may exist. Be sure to consider any cultural differences that could potentially put you at risk.

2) Get Vaccinated:

Getting vaccinated for common diseases such as typhoid fever and hepatitis A can help protect against illnesses while traveling abroad. It’s also important to know what vaccinations are legally required for entry into certain countries.

3) Plan Your Transportation:

Planning your transportation ahead of time can help you avoid having to use unlicensed taxis or other public transportation that may not be safe. Research the taxi services in the area and make sure they have been vetted, as well as any public transport options such as buses and subways.

4) Avoid Tourist Traps:

Be wary of tourist traps that try to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists with expensive prices or scams. Research local attractions and be aware of potential dangers when visiting an unfamiliar area.

5) Follow Local Laws:

Following local laws is essential when traveling abroad. Make sure you know what is and is not allowed in the area you are visiting, as well as any cultural norms.

6) Keep Valuables Secure:

Make sure to always keep your valuables secure while traveling. This can include items like money, passports, cell phones, and other important documents. Be aware of pickpockets and only carry around what you need.

7) Use Street Smarts:

Using basic street smarts is an essential part of staying safe while traveling. Avoid walking alone at night or going off the beaten path without knowing where you’re going. It’s also a good idea to be aware of your surroundings and watch for suspicious activity.

8) Stay Connected:

Staying connected with friends, family, and colleagues can help ensure your safety. Be sure to keep them updated on where you are going, how long you plan to stay, and how they can reach you in case of an emergency.

9) Have a Backup Plan:

Having a backup plan is essential for any traveler. Make sure you know who to contact in case of an emergency, what resources are available if something goes wrong, and how to get back home safely.

10) Monitor Your Health:

It’s important to monitor your health while traveling as different areas may have unique risks due to the climate or other environmental factors. Make sure to drink clean water (or buy bottled water), avoid eating raw foods, and always practice basic hygiene.

11) Avoid Unnecessary Risk:

Avoid taking risks while traveling, such as driving in unfamiliar areas or engaging in risky behaviors like drinking too much alcohol. Be aware of your surroundings and make sure to trust your instincts if something feel wrong.

12) Have a Communication Plan:

Having a communication plan with family or friends is essential for any traveler. Make sure you know who to call if there is an emergency, how to get in touch with the local police, and what other resources are available if needed.

13) Stay Aware of Your Surroundings:

Always be aware of your surroundings when visiting new places. Pay attention to people around you and stay alert to potential dangers.

14) Have Fun:

Most of all have fun! Traveling can be an exciting and rewarding experience when done safely. Enjoy the adventure and take in the sights, but make sure to stay aware of your safety at all times.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable journey while traveling abroad. Bon voyage!


Traveling abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with certain risks. To stay safe while traveling, make sure to plan ahead, follow local laws, keep valuables secure, use street smarts, and monitor your health. Additionally, have a backup plan in case of emergencies and stay connected with friends and family. By following these tips, you can ensure that you’ll have a safe and enjoyable journey while traveling abroad. Bon voyage!