How to Get More Reviews and Grow Your Business

As a business owner, you know that reviews can make or break your business. Good reviews can attract new customers and help you grow your business. Bad reviews can damage your reputation and cost you, your customers.

That’s why it’s so important to get more reviews from your customers. The more positive reviews you have, the better your chances of attracting new customers and growing your business.

There are 15 things you can do to encourage your customers to leave reviews:

1. Make it easy for them.

Make sure your customers know how and where to leave reviews. Include links on your website, in your email signature, and on your social media profiles. If you have physical locations, make sure there are signs or posters that let people know how they can leave a review. The easier you make it for people to leave a review, the more likely they will be to do it.

2. Give them an incentive.

One way to encourage people to leave reviews is to offer them an incentive. This could be a discount on their next purchase, a free product, or entry into a contest. Be careful with this approach, though. You don’t want to offer an incentive that is so valuable that people will leave fake reviews just to get it.

3. Ask them directly.

Sometimes the best way to get something done is to ask for it directly. If you want your customers to leave reviews, just ask them! You can do this in person, over the phone, or through email or social media.

4. Make it clear that you want their feedback.

When you’re asking your customers for reviews, make sure they know that you really value their feedback. Thank them in advance for taking the time to leave a review. This will show them that you appreciate their input and that you’re more likely to take their feedback seriously.

5. Follow up with them after they make a purchase.

After your customers make a purchase, follow up with them to thank them for their business. This is also a great time to ask them to leave a review. Make sure you give them specific instructions on how to leave a review so they don’t have to go searching for it.

6. Respond to all reviews, good and bad.

When you get a review, whether it’s positive or negative, take the time to respond to it. Thank your customers for their feedback and let them know that you’re taking their comments seriously. If you get a negative review, try to resolve the issue directly with the customer. This shows other potential customers that you’re committed to providing a good experience for everyone.

7. Use social media to your advantage.

Social media is a great way to connect with your customers and get more reviews. Post about recent positive reviews you’ve received and share your customers’ stories. You can also use social media to reach out to customers who haven’t left a review yet.

8. Make it a part of your process.

Integrating reviews into your business process can help ensure that you’re always getting feedback from your customers. For example, you could include a question about the customer’s experience in your post-purchase follow-up email. Or, you could ask customers to leave a review when they check out on your website.

9. Use review sites to your advantage.

There are many different review sites out there, and each one can be a valuable tool for getting more reviews. Make sure you’re active on the major sites, such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook. But don’t stop there! There are many niche review sites that can be just as valuable. For example, if you’re a local business, you could focus on getting reviews on Trip Advisor or Google Maps.

10. Encourage employees to ask for reviews.

Your employees are in a great position to encourage customers to leave reviews. Train your employees on how and why to ask for reviews and make sure they’re doing it regularly. You could even offer them a bonus for every positive review they get.


Asking your customers for reviews can be a great way to get more feedback about your business. But it’s important to do it in the right way. Follow these tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your customer reviews.