Different types of furniture and when they should be used
|Tables are one of the most versatile pieces of furniture. From an entry-level table to a grand dining room table, they can be used in almost any way imaginable. Around the home, there are many different types of tables that you should know about before deciding which is best for your needs.
Here’s some information on each of them:
Entry-level: These tables are usually square and very simple in design. They make great places to eat and work and can also be used as a bedside table or desk. Entry level tables do not fold away, but that shouldn’t stop you from using them anyway! If you really need a folding option then there is always the TV/Dining table combination.
Table that can be folded away:
Also known as a TV table, these are the same size on the outside but have a hatch in the middle so you can stow your telly underneath when not in use. They are usually of simple design and plain colouring. If you only have small rooms then this type of table is ideal for having dinner or using as a desk since it doesn’t take up much room at all when no one is sitting around it.
The multipurpose dining/TV tables:
If you’re looking to get even more out of your furniture then this sort of table is perfect for you! The bottom half of the unit functions just like an entry level stand, but the top half then folds away to reveal a table that can be used for dining. These are great if you have small children as they’re usually high enough to keep them off the floor!
Functional tables:
The stand is well known but there are many different types of table on offer. If you want something practical, durable and long lasting then this sort of furniture is perfect for you. Often made out of durable materials like plastic, metal or even glass, these tables are ideal places to eat thanks to their wipe-clean surfaces. They are also good for creating different surfaces in your home too – just slap down a few mats or rugs and you have instant decoration!
Dining room/reception tables:
This type of table is great for families and offers plenty of space to accommodate everything from laptops and books to plates and glasses. Ideal for dining or even just lounging, this sort of table is a must-have in home where there’s multiple people living in the same area. However if you don’t have much money it might be worth looking at some other types as these can be very expensive!
Corner tables:
Oval or round, most corner tables are small enough to fit into awkward places such as around sharp corners or under stairs (although they’re not always easy to move). Definitely only something you want if your room doesn’t already have a lot of furniture – otherwise it will look too crowded! These kinds of tables are great for filling up smaller spaces though, and they often have one or two drawers in them to store books or DVDs. Some also come with sliding doors which really make them look like a piece of furniture rather than just an extra table.
Sofa side tables:
If you’re looking for something that will keep your sofa free then this sort of table is ideal. They’re usually quite small, giving plenty of room on the floor if you want it! Made out of wood or plastic, these types of tables can be used for drinks (just be careful not to spill anything!) or even games consoles when not in use as well as eating off. An added bonus is that these tables do not take up much space since they usually fold away flat.
Accent tables:
Fancy something a bit different? Then why not go for an accent table as your next purchase? These kinds of tables come in all shapes and sizes. But the most common design is like a shelving unit. That has been cut off at the top to create a table. They’re great if you want to show off what you can do with woodwork. As there are often intricate carvings or designs on them! As well as being decorative, these types of tables are good for keeping drinks and snacks on. Just make sure nothing hot will be placed on them since even though they’re made from wood. Burnt fingers aren’t very attractive! The stand itself might also need some form of protection to avoid leaving unsightly marks too.
As you can see there are plenty of different kinds of tables available. But which one is best for your room? Really it depends on what your specific requirements are. Do you want something that will take up a lot of space or are you happy to keep things light? Maybe you really need a versatile piece of furniture that has multiple uses throughout the day. Whatever it is, make sure you get exactly what you want by taking note of the above tips!