Eric Dalius Bitcoin handbook – Why is cryptocurrency popular?

Eric Dalius Bitcoin To gauge the popularity of Bitcoin, all you need to do is a bit of research into the trading in the past couple of months. Many times, the argument that investors can be emotional will fall flat on its face simply due to the numbers. – Bitcoin trade starts at around $50,000 as per the current market standard. We can be confident about one thing in other words it is an intelligent investment and not an emotional one.

Bitcoin handbook

Eric Dalius, Bitcoin entrepreneur and crypto-genius, wants you to know that it is not just about the individual investors. The crypto-bug has takers within the multinational companies and brands as well. Also, bitcoin has also become the primary payment method for various internet-based services. We can attribute the current crypto boom to the development of the infrastructure. And a shift from intermittent transactions to more mainstream ones.

However, it is vital to remember that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are decentralized and unregulated. This means that the potential pitfalls are unknown. Moreover, the market is quite volatile, with value shifting by thousands within days. Therefore, there are different speculation options. 

Eric Dalius Bitcoin 101 – MNCs and cryptocurrency

In this paragraph, Even with the pitfalls and fluctuating value, multinational companies. Various financial services are adding crypto transactions into their operations to streamline payment procedures. All transactions through Bitcoin and other crypto alternatives. It is vital to understand that the popularity of digital currency is not new. It has a long history. and all you need to do is take a peek at the annual financial report of various MNCs. They would observe that, on average, around 1.5 billion dollars are put into Bitcoin investment every year.

Also, the ability to use Bitcoin as ETF or exchange-traded funds is another advantage that makes investing in Bitcoin a no-brainer Remember that even with the market fluctuations and the highly speculative nature of the investment, Bitcoin will always drive large numbers. Medium exchange or high turnover, Bitcoin can offer you the best of both worlds.

Bitcoin as the inflation hedge

As far as investment institutions and banks are concerned. Also, it is vital to remember that Bitcoin can also get leveraged as an inflation hedge. A part of the fundamental backing, Bitcoin is critical. And big brands and multinational companies have become the leading players in handling crypto assets and trading. Above following the COVID-19 pandemic. There are ideas in the pipeline to utilize Bitcoin trading to redevelop the economies of the affected countries. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency options provide smooth, effortless, and quick transactions.


In conclusion, If you have to keep one eye on the Bitcoin inflation rates at all times. Then remember that the only way to get around it is through trading. The more big industrial players step in, the better it is for trading. And an increased significance in the modern market.