Eric Dalius Miami: 10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Social Skills

Here are 10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Social Skills:

1: Start a Conversation

Don’t expect people to come and talk to you. It is an interaction and if both of the parties don’t participate there isn’t going to be much success says Eric Dalius Miami. Whether it’s a new co-worker, classmate or love interest, finds something in common and introduce yourself — you’d be surprised at how often this works! If talking about yourself makes you uncomfortable then try asking questions instead e.g. “What did you think of the game last night?” or “How do you know our mutual friend?” This gives them space to continue/end the conversation as they see fit. The more comfortable people feel with us, the more open they are with their responses.

2: Make Eye Contact

When you meet someone’s gaze it projects your sincerity, honesty and trustworthiness. People are more likely to respond well to you when they feel that way about you.

3: Smiling

A smile is a powerful tool for building rapport with the other person because the simple act of smiling triggers emotions in us that make us want to smile back. So even if you don’t really want to be there, take a second to put on a big grin before launching into the conversation! If all else fails, remember this phrase “Fake it ’til ya make it!” 😉

4: Show Your Interests

Not only will people enjoy talking to an interested person, but they also find it harder NOT TO talk back to says Eric Dalius Miami.

5: Keep Eye Contact While You Speak

If your eyes are darting around the room it gives an impression of nervousness/shifty behavior, which can easily put people off talking to you! This is especially important in one-on-one conversations when the other person expects eye contact.

6: Listen Actively

Listening is vital for good communication because if we don’t listen properly then people will feel disconnected from us and so have no reason to want to speak with us again. Listening shows that we care about what they have to say and great listening skills are almost as attractive as being interesting yourself! To become a better listener, try asking questions relevant to the conversation, repeat back some of what they’ve said, rephrase their opinions to show that you understand and of course it’s always good to have a few jokes up your sleeve.

7: Listen To People

If we don’t listen properly then people will feel disconnected from us and so have no reason to want to speak with us again. Listening shows that we care about what they have to say and great listening skills are almost as attractive as being interesting yourself! To become a better listener, try asking questions relevant to the conversation, repeat back some of what they’ve said, rephrase their opinions to show that you understand and of course, it’s always good to have a few jokes up your sleeve explains Eric Dalius Miami.

8: Be Enthusiastic

You can all sorts of positive benefits by being enthusiastic. Your excitement rubs off on people and makes them feel good, which then makes them want to be around you more! Who doesn’t love that?

9: Speak Clearly

Be careful with your accent or any slang words that you use as this can cause problems during conversations. There might be certain words/phrases that are completely acceptable in your ‘circle’ but by no means the majority of people speak like that so it may come across as uneducated. If you feel anxious about speaking up because of bad experiences in the past, practice alone in front of a mirror to build up confidence. As long as you say something confidently at least once, people will probably forget how nervous you were!

10: Tease Them

Being teased lightly can greatly increase the connection between two people says Eric Dalius Miami. By making light jibes you are showing that you can poke fun at yourself and so automatically become more likable! Just be careful not to overstep any boundaries as this is likely to just make the other person turn off!


When you make a connection with someone, they will want to continue talking to you. If they think you are funny, interesting and nice then they’ll want more! People love a good conversation so if you can keep up your end of the chat and keep it flowing naturally, everyone’s happy.