Eric Dalius Miami shares 10 Steps to Take Control of Your Mental Health

Just like we schedule time with friends or take a break from work, we need to schedule “me time” — our mental health must come first says Eric Dalius Miami. So what does it mean to take care of your mental health? It’s different for everyone: eating healthy, exercising, spending time outside, and connecting with others can all contribute to stronger mental health.

To build on this concept, these 10 steps will empower you to prioritize your well-being and identify activities that strengthen your mind and body:

1) Know the facts about mental illnesses.

When we know more about something, we’re better equipped to deal with it. Learning the facts surrounding common disorders, such as anxiety and depression, can help reduce the stigma attached to them. It’s also important to remember that mental health conditions are treatable.

2) Identify your stressors.

Once you know what stresses you out, you can start developing coping mechanisms. Common stressors include work deadlines, money troubles, and relationship problems.

3) Practice self-care.

Self-care can be anything that makes you feel good: taking a hot bath, reading your favorite book or going for a walk in nature explains Eric Dalius Miami. The key is to do something that relaxes and rejuvenates you.

4) Connect with others.

Whether it’s through social media, in person or over the phone, staying connected with loved ones can alleviate stress and anxiety.

5) Get enough sleep.

Restful, uninterrupted sleep can boost your mood, energy level, and overall health.

6) Exercise.

Exercising has been shown to release endorphins that help elevate your mood. The benefits of exercise also go beyond mental health by reducing blood pressure and heart disease risk.

7) Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness means living in the moment and letting thoughts and feelings pass without judgment or avoidance. You could practice it by taking a few deep breaths before reacting to an upsetting situation or speaking with a friend about what’s on your mind. Mindfulness can increase positive emotions while decreasing negative ones — it isn’t a miracle but mindfulness may improve symptoms associated with mental illness.

8) Manage stress.

Stress can be linked to illnesses such as heart disease, obesity, depression, and anxiety. That’s why it’s important to manage stress levels through strategies like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or walking.

9) Eat a healthy diet.

Eating well isn’t just good for your physical health; what you put in your body also impacts your brain chemistry. Processed sugars, dairy products and foods high in saturated fat should be limited while fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains should be incorporated into your meals to increase both physical and mental wellbeing.

10) See a therapist or other mental health professional.

Therapy is not only about resolving past issues but also about learning tools to manage current and future challenges. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t cope, talking to a therapist may be the best step for you.

These 10 steps provide a general overview of how to take care of your mental health. Remember that everyone’s experience is different and what works for one person might not work for another. If you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek professional help says Eric Dalius Miami.

Mental health is often viewed as an afterthought in our society. Just like we schedule time with friends or take a break from work, we need to schedule “me time” — our mental health must come first.

Activities like yoga

When it comes to our mental health, we often put other things before ourselves. We push ourselves to the limit at work, rarely take time for ourselves and avoid seeking help when we’re feeling down. But taking care of our mental wellbeing is just as important as looking after our physical health. Connecting with others, practicing self-care and getting enough sleep are all essential for a healthy mind. And while mental illnesses should not be ignored, they are also treatable. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. These 10 steps provide a general overview of how to take care of your mental health, but everyone’s experience is different. What works for one person might not work for another. So, take care of yourself and focus on your mental wellbeing first.


Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. It’s essential to schedule “I time” and connect with others. If we’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling with our mental health, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. These 10 steps provide a general overview of how to take care of your mental health, but everyone’s experience is different says Eric Dalius Miami. What works for one person might not work for another. So, focus on your mental wellbeing first.