How often should you replace your bath towels? 13 telltale signs it’s time for new, more absorbent ones

There’s no denying that bath towels are one of the most important bathroom essentials. After all, they’re the ones responsible for keeping us clean and dry after a refreshing shower or bath. But just like any other item in our homes, they eventually get worn out and need to be replaced.

So how often should you replace your bath towels?

Here are 13 telltale signs that it’s time for new, more absorbent ones:

1. They’ve lost their absorbency.

One of the most obvious signs that it’s time to replace your bath towels is when they’ve lost their absorbency. If you find yourself having to use more than one towel to dry off after a shower, then it’s definitely time to get some new ones.

2. They’re no longer soft.

Another sign that your bath towels need to be replaced is when they’re no longer soft. If you find yourself feeling scratchy after using them, then it’s time for some new ones.

3. They’ve become stained.

If your towels have started to develop stains, then it’s probably time to replace them. Stains can be difficult to remove, and they can also make your towels less absorbent.

4. They’ve started to smell bad.

Towels that have developed a musty smell are another sign that it’s time for them to be replaced. This is usually caused by mildew, which can build up on towels that aren’t properly dried after each use.

5. They’re falling apart.

If your towels are starting to fall apart, then it’s definitely time to get new ones. This is especially true if they’re beginning to unravel or the seams are coming undone.

6. You’ve had them for a long time.

Even if your towels don’t show any of the above signs, you should still replace them every few years. This is because they can become less absorbent over time, even if they’re properly cared for.

7. You want to update your bathroom’s look.

If you’re simply tired of the way your bathroom looks, then replacing your bath towels is a great way to give it a fresh new look. Towels come in a wide variety of colors and styles, so you’re sure to find ones that fit your bathroom’s décor.

8. You’re moving into a new home.

If you’re moving into a new home, then it’s a good idea to start fresh with new bath towels. This way, you won’t have to worry about bringing any unwanted bacteria or germs into your new home.

9. You’re having guests over.

If you’re expecting guests, then it’s always nice to have some fresh, clean towels for them to use. This way, they won’t have to use your old, worn-out ones.

10. It’s time for a change.

Even if your bath towels aren’t showing any signs of wear and tear, you may still want to replace them every now and then. This is because towels can absorb the odors from your bathroom, so it’s a good idea to change them out every few months to keep your bathroom smelling fresh.

11. You’ve recently had a baby.

If you’ve just had a baby, then it’s a good idea to get some new bath towels. This is because babies have very sensitive skin, so you’ll want to make sure they’re using soft, absorbent towels that are free of any harmful chemicals.

12. You’re pregnant.

If you’re pregnant, then it’s important to be extra careful about the products you use in your bathroom. This includes your bath towels. Pregnant women should use soft, absorbent towels that are free of any harmful chemicals.

13. You have sensitive skin.

If you have sensitive skin, then you’ll want to make sure you’re using soft, absorbent towels that are free of any harmful chemicals. This is because your skin is more susceptible to irritation and infection when it’s wet.


If any of the above signs apply to your bath towels, then it’s time to replace them. This is because they can become less absorbent over time, which can lead to a variety of problems. Be sure to choose soft, absorbent towels that are free of any harmful chemicals if you have sensitive skin.