How to make sure your towels are always absorbent

Everyone likes a absorbent towel. Whether you’re taking a shower, swimming in the pool, or working out at the gym, a wet towel is just plain inconvenient.

In order to make sure your towels are always absorbent, there are 15 things you can do.

1. Avoid using fabric softeners.

Fabric softeners can actually reduce the absorbency of your towels. If you must use a fabric softener, only use it on your towels occasionally.

2. Wash your towels often.

Towels that are used frequently should be washed every week or two. If you live in a hard water area, you may need to wash your towels more often to prevent mineral buildup.

3. Use vinegar to remove build-up.

If your towels are starting to feel less absorbent, try washing them with a vinegar solution to remove any build-up that may be causing the problem.

4. Don’t use too much detergent.

Using too much detergent can also reduce the absorbency of your towels. Only use the amount of detergent recommended by the manufacturer.

5. Rinse your towels thoroughly.

Make sure you rinse your towels thoroughly after washing to remove any residual detergent that could reduce absorbency.

6. Use hot water when washing.

Hot water helps to loosen dirt and oils that can build up on towels and reduce absorbency.

7. Dry your towels completely before storing them.

If you store your towels while they’re still damp, they can mildew and become less absorbent. Be sure to dry them completely before folding or hanging them up.

8. Avoid using bleach.

Bleach can damage the fibers of your towels and make them less absorbent. If you must use bleach, only use it occasionally on heavily soiled towels.

9. Don’t over-dry your towels.

Towels that are dried for too long can become stiff and less absorbent. Remove them from the dryer while they’re still slightly damp to prevent this from happening.

10. Fluff your towels often.

To keep your towels looking and feeling fresh, fluff them often by shaking them out or running them through the dryer on a low setting.

11. Store your towels properly.

Fold or hang your towels so they can air out between uses. This will help to prevent them from becoming musty or mildewed.

12. Use a towel rack.

Hang your wet towels on a towel rack to allow them to dry completely before using them again. This will also help to prevent mildew and bacteria from building up on your towels.

13. Don’t leave damp towels in a pile.

Leaving damp towels in a pile can lead to bacteria growth and make your towels less absorbent. Hang them up or fold them so they can air out completely before using them again.

14. Don’t use your towels to clean up spills.

Towels are for drying off, not for cleaning up spills. Use a sponge or mop to clean up any messes, and then wash the towel in hot water to remove any residue.

15. Inspect your towels regularly.

If you notice that your towels are starting to lose their absorbency, inspect them for signs of wear and tear. If they’re worn out, it’s time to replace them.


Q: How often should I wash my towels?

A: Towels that are used frequently should be washed every week or two. If you live in a hard water area, you may need to wash your towels more often to prevent mineral buildup.

Q: What can I do if my towels are starting to feel less absorbent?

A: If your towels are starting to feel less absorbent, try washing them with a vinegar solution to remove any build-up that may be causing the problem. You can also try using less detergent or rinsing your towels more thoroughly.


If you want to keep your towels absorbent, it’s important to wash them regularly and properly. Use hot water and avoid using too much detergent or bleach. Be sure to rinse your towels thoroughly and dry them completely before storing them. Inspect your towels regularly for signs of wear and tear, and replace them when necessary. Towels that are properly cared for can last for many years.