How to write a business plan that will get you funded

If you’re looking for funding for your business, you’ll need to put together a business plan.

Here’s how to do it.

1. Do your research

Before you start writing your business plan, you need to do your research. This means understanding the market, your competition, and what customers want. Take the time to do this research thoroughly; it will pay off in the long run.

2. Set realistic goals

When you’re writing your business plan, it’s important to set realistic goals. Don’t try to accomplish too much; focus on what you can realistically achieve in the short and long term.

3. Keep it simple

Your business plan doesn’t need to be overly complicated. In fact, it should be as simple and straightforward as possible. Get to the point and don’t use jargon or flowery language.

4. Make it visually appealing

No one wants to read a boring, text-heavy business plan. Make yours visually appealing by using charts, graphs, and images.

5. Proofread and edit

Before you submit your business plan, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. This will help ensure that it’s error-free and ready to impress potential investors.

6. Get feedback

Once you’ve edited and proofread your business plan, it’s a good idea to get feedback from others. Ask family and friends for their thoughts, and see if there are any areas that can be improved.

7. Be prepared to answer questions

When you’re pitching your business to investors, be prepared to answer questions about your plan. They’ll want to know more about your company, your goals, and how you plan on achieving them. Be ready with clear and concise answers.

By following these tips, you can write a business that will help you get funding for your business. Just remember to do your research, set realistic goals, and keep it simple. And don’t forget to proofread and edit before you submit!

8. Have a solid financial plan

Investors will want to see that you have a well-thought-out financial plan that shows your business is sustainable in the long run. This means having a clear idea of your start-up costs, operating expenses, and projected revenue.

9. Know your audience

When you’re writing your business plan, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Who are you writing it for? What do they want to know? Tailor your plan to fit their needs and you’ll be more likely to get funding.

10. Be realistic

While it’s important to have big goals, it’s also important to be realistic. Don’t promise more than you can deliver, and be honest about the challenges your business will face. This will help you earn the trust of potential investors.

11. Have a clear purpose

Your business plan should have a clear purpose: to get funding for your business. Make sure this is evident from the start, and keep it in mind as you write and edit your plan.

12. Be concise              

Investors don’t have time to read a long, drawn-out business plan. Be concise and to the point, and focus on the most important information.

13. Focus on the future

While it’s important to talk about your past successes, investors are more interested in what you’re going to do in the future. Focus on your plans for growth and expansion, and how you’ll achieve your goals.

14. Highlight your unique selling proposition

What makes your business different from the competition? This is your unique selling proposition, and it’s an important part of your business plan. Be sure to highlight what sets you apart, and why investors should choose you over others.

15. Include a marketing plan

Your business plan should include a detailed marketing plan that outlines how you’ll attract and retain customers. Be sure to include strategies for both online and offline marketing, and consider using data-driven marketing tactics.

16. Don’t forget about packaging

If you’re selling physical products, packaging is an important part of your marketing strategy. Be sure to include a packaging plan in your, and focus on making it eye-catching and memorable.


A well-written business plan is essential for any business seeking funding from investors. By following these tips, you can write a plan that will help you get the funding you need to start and grow your business. Just remember to do your research, be realistic, and focus on the future. And don’t forget to proofread and edit before you submit!