Is there such a thing as everlasting happiness?

Yes, there is.

Happiness has been an elusive emotion to most people I have spoken with throughout my life. Everyone says “I want to be happy” yet no one wants to share how they got there. They are all secret formulas kept only for the chosen ones, who are deemed worthy enough for this type of holy-grail knowledge.

Which makes me wonder…?

How do you find happiness then? Was it given at birth? Was it achieved by luck or was it earned through hard work? What about struggle and sacrifice? Does that make the difference between being happy and not being happy? Or is it something else entirely?

People will always ask what brings me happiness but really…what I’m thinking is…what makes you happy?

I have been told that happiness lies in the little things, those little pleasures of life which make our days go from bad to good. Some people say it’s only a matter of perspective and how we choose to see things. Others seem to think that happiness is exclusively about success. In fact, I’ve seen all kinds of justifications for being happy but what they never say is why do you need justification for being happy? If being happy brings satisfaction then there’s no need for a justifier. We should be happy without having to prove anything to anyone or ourselves. However, if it takes a complex logic system, formulas, and rules before we can call ourselves ‘happy’ does this mean we aren’t really ready? Do we really need to meet some sort of set of standards before we can be content with ourselves and the rest of our lives?

Does this make us a dissatisfied person or a failed individual? If you go from bad to good by finding happiness in life’s simple pleasures then are you not failing to get ahead? Or is there more to it than that… Am I making something out of nothing…or am I on to something here…

I’m going to find out soon enough. In any case, whether being happy becomes my project, for the time being, doesn’t matter because I have decided on what will bring me happiness right now. This very moment while writing this article brings me great joy especially when I know so many people will enjoy reading this.

Happy! That’s what I am right now.

And I’m happy about it.

If you are reading this article then that makes me very happy because you are listening to my inner thoughts and enjoying something I have put together for your enjoyment. So thank you.

This isn’t the only thing bringing me happiness right now however…my life is full of little pleasures, some big ones as well which may not be considered ‘little’ by most people but hey whatever works for you is perfectly fine by me. I’ve always been a fan of doing what others won’t even if they wanted to. That’s just how I am …or was…I’m still trying to find out who I really am though…who knows? Maybe this will help!

There exists a man who tells stories of all the complicated things running through his head, the things that make him laugh and cry. He thinks he is crazy but isn’t afraid of having people think of him like this.

He does many things, some great while others are terrible yet he doesn’t mind what other people think about this because in the end…if you put yourself out there then there will always be someone to judge you. So if they want to judge then let them. Who cares? It’s not like it makes any difference at all!

This man wasn’t very ambitious when he was younger but found himself falling into a hole one day only to wake up another day with some new goals in life…mission completed!

Yes, there exists such a man. He comes in different shapes and sizes but the one thing he all have in common is this;

Their struggles, their pain, their sadness…happiness…their lives are what make them who they are today!


In the end, what makes us happy is realizing that we are on a journey of self discovery and no matter how many times you fall down there’s always someone to pick you up.

Of course it is! But hey…that’s life for ya…you win some you lose some but at the end of the day time heals all wounds so even if some things cause pain now, in retrospect they may seem pleasurable because looking back one can remember a certain gesture or a moment which made them smile even though they were crying when it happened. Such sadness…It all balances out me suppose. Why ask why? As long as it makes you feel good then go with it.