15 tips to start a business on a shoestring budget


The first step is admitting that you have a problem: You want to be your own boss, but you don’t have a lot of money. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to start a business on a shoestring budget. You just have to get creative.

Here are 15 tips:

1. Find a need and fill it.

The first step to starting any business is finding a need in the marketplace and filling it. When you’re working on a shoestring budget, it’s even more important to find an unmet need in the market and be the solution to that problem.

2. Start with what you have.

You don’t need a lot of money to start a business. You can start with what you have on hand, whether it’s your car, your home or your skills and talents.

3. Keep your overhead low.

One of the best ways to keep your business costs low is to keep your overhead low. That means renting space in your home or using co-working spaces instead of leasing office space.

4. Get creative with financing.

There are a number of ways to finance your business without going into debt or breaking the bank. You can use personal savings, credit cards, loans from friends and family, crowdfunding or even revenue-based financing.

5. Bootstrap as much as possible.

Bootstrapping is a great way to start a business on a shoestring budget. It means using your own resources to get the business off the ground. That could mean investing your own money, working long hours or doing everything yourself at first to save on overhead costs.

6. Consider a home-based business.

Starting a home-based business is one of the best ways to keep overhead costs low when you’re starting a business on a shoestring budget. You can avoid the costs of renting office space and save on other business expenses as well.

7. Use technology to your advantage.

Technology can be a great leveler when you’re starting a business on a shoestring budget. There are a number of ways to use technology to start and grow your business without spending a lot of money.

8. Don’t underestimate the power of social media.

Social media is a powerful tool that can help you reach new customers and grow your business on a shoestring budget. Make sure you’re using it to its full potential by creating engaging content, using paid advertising and leveraging influencers.

9. Get creative with marketing.

There are a number of ways to market your business without spending a lot of money. You can use social media, PR, content marketing, email marketing and even guerilla marketing tactics to get the word out about your business on a shoestring budget.

10. Focus on generating revenue.

When you’re starting a business on a shoestring budget, it’s important to focus on generating revenue. That means finding ways to monetize your business and make money from your products or services.

11. Don’t be afraid to start small.

Just because you’re starting a business on a shoestring budget doesn’t mean you have to start small. You can still have big dreams and goals for your business. But don’t be afraid to start small and grow your business over time.

12. Think outside the traditional business model.

There are a number of ways to start a business on a shoestring budget by thinking outside the traditional business model. You can start a subscription-based business, a direct-to-consumer business or even an online course business.

13. Consider a subscription-based business model.

A subscription-based business model is a great way to start a business on a shoestring budget. This type of business allows you to recurring revenue that can help you grow and scale your business over time.

14. Use direct-to-consumer marketing channels.

Another great way to start a business on a shoestring budget is to use direct-to-consumer marketing channels. This type of marketing allows you to bypass traditional advertising channels and reach your target market directly.

15. Start an online course business.

If you have expertise in a certain area, you can start an online course business and sell courses on your website or through a third-party platform. This is a great way to generate revenue and grow your business on a shoestring budget.


There are a number of ways to start a business on a shoestring budget. You can use personal savings, credit cards, loans from friends and family, crowdfunding or even revenue-based financing. You can also bootstrap as much as possible, consider a home-based business or use technology to your advantage. And don’t forget to focus on generating revenue. With a little creativity and perseverance, you can start a successful business on a shoestring budget.