8 Ways to Instantly Control Your Emotions

Control Your Emotions-It’s no secret that our emotions can sometimes get the best of us. We’ve all been there – feeling angry, frustrated, or even just plain old annoyed, and not knowing how to make it stop.

If you’re looking for ways to take control of your emotions and live a happier life, here are 8 tips to get you started?

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions

The first step to managing your emotions is to simply acknowledge them. Don’t try to push them away or pretend they don’t exist. Recognize that you’re feeling angry/frustrated/annoyed, and then take a few deep breaths and move on.

2. Identify the Cause

Once you’ve acknowledged your emotions, it’s time to figure out what’s causing them. Is there a specific event or situation that’s triggering them? If so, try to remove yourself from the situation if possible.

If you can’t remove yourself, see if there’s anything you can do to change the circumstances. For example, if you’re angry because you’re stuck in traffic, you can’t do much about the traffic, but you can turn off the radio and take some deep breaths to help calm yourself down.

3. Challenge Your Thoughts

Our emotions are often determined by our thoughts and beliefs. If you’re feeling upset because you think someone doesn’t like you, ask yourself if there’s any evidence to support that belief.

Chances are, you’ll realize that it’s just your own insecurities and self-doubt talking. Once you challenge your negative thoughts, you’ll often find that your emotions improve as well.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of being present and aware of your surroundings and your own thoughts and feelings. It can be a helpful tool for managing emotions because it allows you to step back and observe your emotions without getting wrapped up in them.

Try to practice mindfulness for a few minutes each day, and see if it makes a difference in how you handle your emotions.

5. Seek Professional Help

If you’re struggling to control your emotions on your own, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist can teach you healthy coping mechanisms and help you work through whatever is causing your emotions.

Take the first step today and find a therapist in your area.

6. Try Some Relaxation Techniques

There are a number of different relaxation techniques you can try to help calm your emotions. Deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation are all good options.

Find a technique that works for you and practice it when you start to feel overwhelmed by your emotions.

7. Get Some Exercise

Exercise is a great way to release pent-up energy and emotion. It can also help to improve your mood by releasing endorphins.

So, next time you’re feeling angry or frustrated, go for a run, do some jumping jacks, or just take a brisk walk around the block.

8. Connect with Nature

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and promote feelings of calm and well-being. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, try spending some time outside in nature.

Take a stroll through the park, sit by the ocean, or simply spend some time in your own backyard.


Emotions can be tough to deal with, but luckily there are some things you can do to take control. Start by acknowledging your emotions, identifying the cause, and challenging your negative thoughts. You can also try practicing mindfulness or relaxation techniques to help calm yourself down. If you’re struggling to manage your emotions on your own, seek professional help from a therapist. With some effort, you can learn how to control your emotions and live a happier life.

Learning how to control your emotions is a process, but it’s definitely possible with a little effort and practice. Start by acknowledging your emotions, and then move on to identifying their causes. Once you know what’s triggering your emotions, you can start to challenge your thoughts and beliefs about the situation.

Practicing mindfulness can also be helpful, as it allows you to observe your emotions without getting caught up in them. And finally, if you’re struggling to control your emotions on your own, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist can teach you healthy coping mechanisms and help you work through whatever is causing your emotions.