How do I find my happy place? These tips will help you out!

Happy place is a place or state of mind where a person feels especially content and hopeful.

“Every morning as I walk to my car, I am filled with anticipation as I make the short drive over to my happy place.”

Hey all! So today we will be talking about how you can improve your happiness in your life by following some simple tips on where to go and what to do. Be sure to leave any comments below on ways that you boost the amount of happiness in your life!

Everybody deserves a bright smile everyday so here are a few suggestions that can help brighten yours:

1) Visit your local library regularly-

Researchers have recently documented that there is a link between frequent library visitors and higher levels of personal well-being. This is may be due to the calming and enjoyable feeling that one gets when reading their favorite book in a comfortable chair while surrounded by bookshelves filled with more titles than they will ever have time to finish.

2) Enroll in a class of some sort-

One reason why I love going to my happy place so often is that it is very comforting for me to always see familiar faces, especially the librarians who never fail to ask me how my day has gone or whether or not I need any help finding anything interesting. Another benefit of taking classes at your local university is the knowledge you gain from doing so. The more you read and learn, the happier you become.

So you’re looking for a happy place? Well, look no further! In this article, I will show you how to be happy.

Tips to find happy place:

1) Don’t worry about the little things!

If there’s something that’s been bugging you, chances are it isn’t a big deal. And if it is a big deal…well…it’ll probably eventually go away on its own. Forget about it and move on with your life!

2) Plan ahead of time!

 Wonder what to do once the project is done? Or what you might do after school gets out for vacation? Think ahead and plan every minute of every day so everything goes as expected. That way, there won’t be any random interruptions or unexpected surprises – just happy, boring days of doing everything you planned!

3) Have a plan B.

If the first thing doesn’t work…well…you have another thing to do instead! And if that doesn’t work out…have another plan ready. Always have something laid out so there’s no possibility for chaos or surprises. That way, your life will be safe and secure – just how you like it!

4) Remember to keep things simple!

Keep your schedule as easygoing as possible. No need for too many changes or complicated plans. A few events here and there are all you need – the fewer stresses on your body, the better!

5) Give yourself time to unwind between activities!

 Make sure there’s enough time dedicated to decompressing and relaxing. Going from one thing to another can be both physically and mentally exhausting – so you need some time to rest!

6) Take a quiet walk by yourself or with a friend!

Sometimes, we just require some alone time in order to organize our thoughts and emotions. If there’s something bothering you, clear it up on your own; if you’re feeling stressed, take a short break to relax; if you’re tired or overwhelmed, then go for a quiet stroll by yourself or with someone close to help calm the nerves. It’s important that we don’t neglect ourselves and give ourselves some space once in a while!

7) Remember: every moment is precious!

No matter what happens…never forget how valuable life is. You have to appreciate all aspects of it – the good, the bad, the ugly…it’s all-important. The time you spend thinking about how much value something has is an investment in yourself! None of us are perfect…but we can always make ourselves better and be happy doing what we like.

8) Remember: your future self will thank you!

 Your past self probably looked forward to something in the future; they wanted to achieve a goal or dream! Visualize that ideal scenario and think back on how great it was. You’ll feel confident knowing that by working hard, you’re achieving your goals and making your life better for your present and future selves!

9) Keep things interesting with some occasional drama!

 It’s important that your life doesn’t become boring; that’s no fun! To keep things interesting, throw some drama into the mix every once in a while. A new argument here, a little tension there…anything to spice up your life and make it more enjoyable!

10) And most importantly of all: remember who you are!

You are what defines yourself – so define yourself with everything that makes you happy. Do something that’s good for you today just because it feels great to do it! There’s no need to worry about anything else – just be you and enjoy the ride.


Are these tips helpful? They should be! If not, then try harder next time! Remember: life isn’t easy but is an option no matter how hard it gets. By keeping a positive attitude and being hopeful, you’ll do great in anything you choose to do!