Writing Strategies to Help You Finish Your Novel Faster

Writing a novel is an incredibly challenging task, and it can seem overwhelming at times.

But if you break down the process into manageable chunks, set deadlines for yourself, and use some of the strategies outlined below, you can finish writing your novel faster than you ever thought possible!

1. Set realistic goals:

To help keep yourself motivated and on track, make sure to set realistic goals for yourself with regard to both your timeline and what you will accomplish in any given day or week. Giving yourself achievable milestones will give you something to strive towards and make it less daunting to tackle a project as large as writing a novel.

2. Make a plan:

Before diving into the actual writing part of the process, take time to do some research and make a detailed plan for your novel. This should include an outline of the plot, characters, and any other elements you want to incorporate. Having an organized roadmap will help keep you focused during the writing process.

3. Set up a daily writing routine:

Developing a consistent writing practice is essential when it comes to finishing your novel faster. Choose a time of day that works for you, commit to it, and stick with it! Make sure you have all the materials necessary for your daily writing sessions ready in advance so there’s no excuse not to write.

4. Break tasks into smaller chunks:

Writing can seem like an insurmountable task at times, but breaking down big tasks into smaller chunks can make them much more manageable. For instance, if you’re writing a chapter of your novel each day, break down what needs to happen in that chapter and write one scene at a time.

5. Eliminate distractions:

Allowing yourself to get distracted from your task will only slow you down and eat away at the precious time you have allocated for writing that day. So take proactive steps to eliminate potential distractions such as turning off your phone or closing out of social media sites while working on your novel.

6. Read other books:

Reading books in the same genre as yours can help give you insights into plot structure and character development which will come in handy when tackling the actual writing part. Plus, it’s always inspiring to read the work of other authors in your field and spark new ideas for your own novel.

7. Make time for breaks:

Though it might feel counterintuitive, taking regular breaks can actually help you finish faster. Breaks provide a necessary respite from the task at hand and give you time to recharge and come back with fresh eyes to tackle the remaining work.

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help:

No one expects you to do it alone, so don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family members or join a writing group in your area. Having people to provide feedback, give encouragement, and brainstorm ideas with can make the entire process much smoother.

9. Reward yourself:

Make sure to give yourself a pat on the back when you hit certain milestones, such as completing that first draft. Rewarding yourself for your hard work will help keep you motivated and make all those hours spent writing seem worth it.

10. Believe in yourself:

Above all else, believe in yourself and your ability to complete this task! Writing a novel can be daunting but if you keep your head up and stay persistent, you will be able to do it. So put one foot in front of the other and doesn’t give up—you got this!

These strategies for finishing your novel faster should help you reach your goals with less stress and anxiety. Remember to take breaks, stay organized, set realistic goals, and never forget to believe in yourself.


Writing a novel can be intimidating but with some discipline, a clear plan, and the right strategies in place, you can finish your novel much faster than expected. Use the tips outlined above to get started and soon enough you’ll have that finished manuscript ready to share with the world!

Writing a novel is an incredibly rewarding but daunting task. But by breaking down big tasks into smaller chunks, setting realistic goals, eliminating distractions, and making time for both writing and breaks, you can make significant progress on your novel much faster than you ever thought possible!